XXL Freshman Rich Homie Quan releases the visuals for Walk Thru featuring Problem. If you remember Rich Homie Quan Sufferred Double Seizures while shooting this video back in May. The video takes viewers in a luxurious lifestyle of Rich Homie Quan as he travels across country.Watch how Rich Homie Quan and Problem brought Walk Thru to life below. What are your thoughts?
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Monday, July 28, 2014
Rich Homie Quan ft. Problem – “Walk Thru” [Video]
XXL Freshman Rich Homie Quan releases the visuals for Walk Thru featuring Problem. If you remember Rich Homie Quan Sufferred Double Seizures while shooting this video back in May. The video takes viewers in a luxurious lifestyle of Rich Homie Quan as he travels across country.Watch how Rich Homie Quan and Problem brought Walk Thru to life below. What are your thoughts?
Rich Homie Quan,