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The Gossip and Hip Hop Blog of Alexandria Louisiana. 

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Monday, February 10, 2014

#QTNA Should Married Couples Restrict the things they post on Social Media?

What is really going on in the Harris household? I can not be the only one concerned because T.I. and Tiny have been using Instagram as their battlefield.

To refresh your memory, last month word in the wind the once happy couple were in talks about having a separation all because T.I. posted a cryptic message alluding that the couple had called it quits. It does not stop there, Tiny began  flossing her left hand in in Instagram photos, without a wedding ring. Not to mention Tinyhas been posting up sexy backshots and more

Last night, T.I.put his foot down and spoke his mind in a comment under one of her Instagram photos for all to see:
U have so much more going for u other than your a$. Although it is magnificent,  I think u should spend just as much time showcasing those other things as u do ya booty..awesome pic luv.

Tiny hit Tip with this response;

 I wasn’t showing off my ass in this pic it was about my waist..u just looking at the ass bae! U no I wasn’t saying getting my sh-t together about my ass now don’t u? But glad u like it bae

Of course a few onlookers had their own opinions to share as well,

So this weeks #QTNA is Should Married Couples be aware of What they post on Social Media? leave your thoughts below.