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Monday, February 10, 2014

Evelyn Lozada’s ‘Diapers & Diamonds’ Baby Shower

Evelyn Lozada's due date is a month away. Over the weekend Eve held a luxurious Diapers & Diamonds themed baby shower in Los Angeles. Hosted by Eve's daughter Shaniece and Shaunie O' Neal. Pregnancy never looked so good because Eve slayed for the cameras.

There were plenty of reality stars,using this term loosely,  in the building, Marrying The Game’s Tiffney Cambridge, Love & Hip Hop NYC’s Rashidah Ali,Tasha Marbury and more were all in attendance for this glamours event. There was fun, food, and plenty of photos.

Take a look below of Evelyn's  beautiful letter to her unborn son on the mirror stating :

I’m beyond excited to know that I will be meeting you soon. I promise to protect you and guide you and give you everything you need so you grow up into the amazing man I know you will be.
All my love, mom

Take a peek at a few more shower pics