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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Real Housewives Porsha Williams OFFICIALLY DIVORCED from Kordell Stewart

All good things do come to an end. In the case of Porsha Williams and Kordell Stewart, this nasty divorce process  is officially over. Even thought Porsha was once Kordell's princess, Kordell claims he couldn't be more excited to get such a horrible person like Porsha out of his life.

TMZ reports:
Kordell's lawyer says Stewart is "very disappointed" the marriage fell apart, because he expected to be married for life."
But the former Pittsburgh Steelers star is clearly still FUMING after Porsha began reigniting rumors that Kordell is gay.  Kordell adamantly denied the allegations. 
"For reasons we cannot understand, [Porsha] displayed a reckless abandonment of anything close to the truth over the last eight months," Kordell's lawyer tells us.
"We are also hopeful that Porsha will stop villifying Kordell at every opportunity."

Porsha and Kordell have both threw each other under the bus via the show Real Housewives of Atlanta and various radio show interviews. The good thing about this divorce the ex couple did not have children. I could only imagine how dramatic the situation would have been with children involved.

Do you think Real Housewives of Atlanta or to blame for their divorce?