No charges will be filed against Jameis Winston due to the accuser having multiple DNA samples in her underwear. These allegations of rape were made against Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston back in 2012.
State Attorney Willie Meggs made the announcement saying ,
No charges will be filed against anyone in this case.
Meggs also made the following statement,
Several people in the room" when the incident happened.
TMZ reports:
Meggs said there was a THIRD PERSON'S DNA discovered ... insinuating the accuser slept with another person around the time she had sex with Jameis.
Meggs said the timing of the case was NOT drivin by the FSU football schedule.
Meggss aid the case would've gone a lot better if "we all would have gotten involved earlier."
Meggs said the accuser's blood alcohol level was .04 at the time it was taken ... which Meggs described as "not very high."
Do you agree with no charges being filled against Jameis? Just because there were multiple DNA samples means rape did not take place? Leave us your feedback below.