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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Apollo Nida Skips Prison Deadline

As you may know Apollo was found guilty and sentenced to 8 years in federal prison for his fraudulent money scheme. But instead of going to turn himself in yesterday he skips out.

According to US Weekly;

A source tells Us Weekly, “It was the most bizarre thing. Everyone thought he was already at jail this morning. He drove himself to jail and was supposed to be there by noon. So Bravo came over to her house to start filming her coming home and all that stuff. The whole Bravo crew saw it — it’s all on tape. Everyone was shocked.” 
Parks’ husband verbally attacked her from their driveway, shouting, “You didn’t come to my hearing!” 
Nida — who previously served six years in prison for auto loan fraud — was “running around the house like a lunatic for about 20 minutes. He was psychotic, not even making sense.” 
Fortunately, the couple’s two young sons, Ayden and Dylan, were down the street at a neighbor’s house during the outburst. 
The police were called, but didn’t arrive until after Nida and his friend had left. He was due to report to the authorities by noon, but clearly missed his deadline. No word yet on the penalties he will face for missing his deadline.