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Monday, August 4, 2014

#ClickPlay: Nicki Minaj - 'Anaconda' [LISTEN]

Nicki Minaj has been on a roll this pass week. She releases a visual snippet of her Anaconda track. Nicki is flaunting her assets for the world to see. Nicki samples Sir Mix A Lot's Baby Got Back. Nicki is not shy at all with her raunchy and racy lyrics.
This dude named Michael used to ride motorcycles
Dick bigger than a tower, I ain't talking about Eiffels
Real country ass nigga, let me play with his rifle
Pussy put his ass to sleep, now he calling me NyQuil
Now that bang, bang, bang
I let him hit it cause he slang cocaine
He toss my salad like his name Romaine
And when we done, I make him buy me Balmain

Stream the song below and watch the visual snippet. What are your thoughts?

Watch the snippet here