Social Media has been in an uproar since the wrongful death of Mike Brown from Ferguson, MO. According to eye witness reports Brown was shot down by Ferguson police. His death has sense caused peaceful protest and reckless riots through out Ferguson, turning the city into a tear gas filled war zone.
Hip Hop Wired reports
Anonymous joined in on the fight to avenge the death of Black, unarmed teen Mike Brown when the collective announced #OperationFerguson and threatened the city’s police department in the process. Anonymous demanded that information on the cop who shot and killed the 18-year-old be made public… or else.
When members received no response, the hacktivists began to leak private information on other cops and their family members before doing the inevitable –– tweeting a picture of Bryan P. Willman, revealing the alleged culprit in question.
The group’s Twitter account has since been “suspended” (no surprise there). But public protest is only heightened in light of such eyebrow-raising news, if only to applaud the people behind the Guy Fawkes masks.The annoymous group of hackers have banned together and released the name of the cop and pictures.
The Annoymous Hackers have declared today National Day of Rage. Watch the video below.