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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Star Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison

Apollo may have dodged 30 years in prison but he has been sentenced to 8 years in federal prison for his fraudulent money scheme.

TMZ reports;

Apollo Nida just got an enormous break for singing like a canary ... he got 1/4 the maximum sentence for a massive money fraud scheme. 
Nida -- who appears on "Real Housewives of Atlanta" with wife Phaedra Parks -- was just sentenced to 8 years in federal prison for cashing stolen checks and laundering more than $2.3 mil through phony bank accounts. 
The judge who sentenced him today in a Georgia court said Nida did indeed cooperate with federal investigators by spilling criminal secrets ... and that's why he got leniency.   
Nida could have been sentenced to 30 years, so 8 years is a big victory.