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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Matthew Knowles’ ALLEGED Second Baby's Mama Was An ACQUAINTANCE Of Solange

Just days ago word got out that Beyonce's father Matthew Knowles has been hit with another paternity suit.  This time  30-year-old Taquoya Branscomb claimed Matthew fathered her daughter in 2010. Taqoya  was also requesting a DNA test.

But the plot thickens, TMZ reports;

Mathew Knowles' alleged baby mama was tight with Solange Knowles ... but Solange had no idea her friend was banging her dad.
TaQoya Branscomb has sued Mathew, claiming he got her pregnant in 2010 ... around the time Beyonce's mom, Tina Knowles, filed for divorce. 
We're told TaQoya met Solange in 2008 through a stylist.   They hung out together on multiple occasions in nightclubs and bars in Houston.
Now here's where the plot thickens.  We're told Mathew knew his daughter was hanging out with TaQoya.  But Solange was in the dark.
Branscomb is asking for a DNA test, a declaration of paternity and child support. 

Oh what tangled web we weave.