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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Intro: The Tea on Fashion & Style

             (cc: Sunnies: gifted, Dress and Neck Piece: Forever XXI, Gladiators: Shoenami, Crossbody: Mommy's Closet)                

Hey Hey CTT family! I am Tarua, the newest style contributor and I am ecstatic to be sharing a perspective of the complex fashion world through my own lenses.
Follow my journey as I spotlight not only the industry's style mavens, but the average college student pounding the pavement in s t y l e, the brand creator who actually stands for something, the business woman closing deals and pushing through the corporate runway, and even YOU - that normal working individual who appreciates the art in making a statement with articles of clothing.

Stay tuned for my fashion faves, tips, and tricks to live in YOUR best style!

Connect with me:
twitter: @theclass_act
instagram: @theclassact