The Love and Hip Hop Atlanta drama continues. With the season dwindling down to the end, a reunion show recording is in the making. Tuesday Night (Jul 15) things were pretty hectic on the reunion set. Benzino and Stevie J had a few choice words for each other. Those words turned into blows.
How could the two friends have beef? Well after Monday nights episode of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Stevie J leaked some pretty disturbing pictures of Benzino's fiance Althea.
Those were literally fighting words right?
TMZ Reports;
A huge brawl erupted during the taping of the "Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta" reunion show in NYC Tuesday night … leaving several cast members -- and their weaves -- injured.
Multiple sources on the set tell us the fight involved Benzino, his fiancee Althea, Stevie J, Joseline, Debra, Tammy, and Mimi -- and the whole mess started when Benzino cracked a joke about Stevie J and Joseline doing drugs.
We're told Stevie jumped up to get in Benzino's grill, but security guards stopped him. That's when --according to witnesses -- Stevie's girl Joseline sneak attacked Althea.
After that, all hell broke loose -- weaves were torn out in the chaos -- and every time security broke up one fight … a different one would spark up between other cast members.
We're told most of the fighting was between the women -- although at least one male security guard took a shot to the face … from one of the chicks.
From what we can tell the only smart decision all night was someone calling 911. Cops and paramedics responded -- at least three people got treatment.
We know what you're wondering, and the answer is -- YES … we're told VH1 cameras were rolling during most of the violence.
The seeds of ratchetness appear to have been sown Monday night ... when a nude pic of Benzino and Althea was posted on Stevie J's Twitter page.
Tammy Rivera, Waka Flocka's wife spilt the tea via her twitter
Benzino took to Instagram, gives play by play of what really happened
Of Course the reality cameras were still rolling. Watch a snippet of the fight below.
UPDATE: 07/17/14
More footage has surfaced from Tuesday Nights brawl on the set of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta's reunion show.TMZ reports;
Smack talk about crack triggered the all-out brawl on the “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” set … ending with a security guard getting a piece of flesh ripped off his body… and they say Joseline Hernandez is the culprit and they want her FIRED.
Cast and crew who were present during the melee tell TMZ … Tuesday night’s fight started when Benzino called Stevie J a crackhead. Stevie J then charged Benzino, yelling “f*** you.”
Stevie J’s GF Joseline then amped things up by attacking Benzino’s wife Althea, punching her in the face so hard everyone around heard a crack. Joseline then pulled out part of Althea’s weave.
But Joseline’s handiwork wasn’t done … Joseline then made a beeline for Waka Flocka Flame‘s wife, Tami – yanking out Tami’s pony tail weave. Waka’s mom Debra jumped in, punching Joseline in the head and ripping out her extensions.
If you watch closely Joseline bites a security guard and blames producers for all of the madness. Plus Deb Atney is really about that life. Watch the video clip below.
'Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta' Reunion Fight -- Multiple Brawls All Over the Studio ... Caught on Tape
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