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Monday, June 2, 2014

The Arsenio Hall Show Gets Canceled

Arseino Hall's late night television show comeback has sadly been brought to an end. Three months away from celebrating the show's one-year anniversary CBS pulls the plug. CBS has released the statement.

Unfortunately, ‘The Arsenio Hall Show’ will not return for a second season. While there are many loyal fans of the show, the series did not grow its audience enough to continue. Arsenio is a tremendous talent and we’d like to thank him for all the hard work and energy he put into the show. We’d also like to thank Tribune and all our station group partners for the support of the show.

The Arsenio Hall show was the only African-American late night talk show on television. Apparently the show was not drawing numbers like   like the original show which aired from 1989-1994. Arsenio Hall made the following statement;

When I started this adventure with CTD and Tribute, we all knew it would be a challenge — I’m gratified for the year we’ve had and proud of the show we created. I’d like to thank everyone on my staff for rallying around me and striving to make the best show possible each night.

I would not be surprised if BET, Centric, or maybe even Own picked up the late night show. Check out  Aresino's tweets