Things are looking real grim for 28 year old Houston Rockets player Dwight Howard. Dwight is known to be real childish at times but this takes the cake.
Elite Daily reports:
The girl, who appears to have had some type of relationship with Howard, says that the Rockets center flew her and two friends out to meet him, and she released two photos from the alleged meeting.
Earlier tweets from the girl also suggest that she might be underage, with a message mentioning “graduation” being sent out some time ago. Along with pictures of what appears to be Dwight Howard in a hotel room, the girl also released a screenshot of a cryptic text message exchange.
No word has been heard from Dwight Howard or any of his representatives, while much of the information released by the girl is inconclusive. The photos of Howard with the young girls does appear, however, to be potentially damning.
Check out the screen caps below.
Do you believe these allegations?