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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New York Knicks' Raymond Felton Appears In Court, Posts Bail

Raymond Felton took two Ls the other night. After a New York Knicks loss to the Dallas Mavericks, Raymond turned himself into police for multiple criminal weapons possession charges. Now Felton turned himself over to the authorities after his wife gave a gun to the police earlier that day. Mind you she recently filed for divorce.

Reports the New York Daily News:
Busted Knicks point guard Raymond Felton grew increasingly erratic over the last several months — “aggressively” holding a handgun during a Valentine's Day clash with his wife as their 19-month marriage crumbled.
 Ariane Raymondo-Felton, 26, told cops she was going through a divorce and that she feared her husband might harm himself, sources told the Daily News. Her lawyer took the gun, which had been stashed under the bed at the Feltons' Upper West Side apartment, to the 20th Precinct stationhouse about 5 p.m. Monday. 
 The Belgian-made semiautomatic handgun was loaded with 18 armor-piercing bullets. 
Raymond is free on $25,000 bail after he was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court. If convicted, Raymond  faces a max sentence of 2 1/3 to 7 years in jail.

The Slander is real on the internet. Check out a few pictures surfacing on Twitter and Instagram