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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nas Set To Drop "Illmatic XX" For 20th Anniversary

Where were you when Illmatic dropped? It has been 20 years since Nas hit album Illmatic became a Hip Hop. In honor of the 20 year anniversary Nas is re-releasing Illmatic. Nas took to instagram to and share with fans saying:
#IllmaticXX - TIME FLY's. Never thought i'd be making music this long. Appreciate the fans and the love. 2014 is the year of Illmatic XX. Album rerelease 4/15/2014! 20 years! WOW!

The release date for Illmatic XX is April 15th. The album will be a double disc set and includes the re-mastered original album, plus  demos and live radio.

Will you be purchasing Illmatic XX? Leave your comments below.