Kanye West has unleashed his wrath on twitter yet again. This time late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel was his target.
Early this week in a recorded interview with Zane Lowe, Kanye expressed his frustration about media, the fashion world, and so much more. Many of his thoughts did not come across coherent to some people. Watch the clip below.
Jimmy Kimmel, the late night prankster, used the Kanye Video as an opener on his late night show. Jimmy states no one is understanding what Kanye is ranting about and decides to make a spoof video of the situation. Watch it below.
I thought it was in good humor and cute. Kanye West disagreed. Of course Kanye took to the tweets and expressed how he really felt. Jimmy even responded to a few tweets. Read the twitter battle below. Do you think Kanye took the spoof too far?