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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Don’t Make Me Wait’- LeToya Luckett

LeToya Luckett releases a new single Don't Make Me Wait, the first single from  LeToya’s upcoming album Until Then. LeToya may just have a hit on her hands.

Letoya lets her man know she’s ready to get for some lovin' and she knows he is too. She challenges him to make the first move because waiting is getting real old. Ladies don't we have to challenge are men sometimes?

Check out a few lyrics below:
Don’t turn me into a regret
You’re in my head
Wish some words you never said
It’s like the closer we get
You know I can tell you’re a bully in the bed
I don’t have to read your mind
To see your body is telling a story
It’s saying I should be all yours tonight
But you gotta come and get me
Please don’t make me wait
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