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The Gossip and Hip Hop Blog of Alexandria Louisiana. 

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

#QTNA: Do you feel the word "Thug" is racist?

Don Lemon touched on the subject about the Nebraska toddler who has been called a “thug baby” due to a viral video posted on the police website.

Don took a different approach to the situation and asking if the term "thug" was racist. Don questioned if it was racist to describe a two year old child as a "thug".  The reasoning behind this statement was due to how "thugs" are perceived culturally. He  pointed out even though "thug" is associated with the hip-hop community,the word is not just limited to that one genre. he shows how every class type, race, and genre of music have made a reference to the word at some point in time.  

Lemon made the following statement; 

Why not take the outrage you have behind that and use the energy for good to actually stop a detrimental cycle of any name? Why take ownership of thuggery? There’s nothing flattering or enticing about being a thug. And why get mad that someone calls you the very same name you call yourself? If you don’t want to treated like a thug or considered one, then don’t act like one. That’s the message that parents should be sending to their children.

Watch the clip below.

Do you agree that the term "Thug" is racist?