Last Friday a video went viral "White Girl Twerk Fail", where the girl twerking alone in her apartment sets herself on fire? I had watch the video so much that I created my own assumption how her leg caught on fire. Well it was all a hoax! Jimmy Kimmel revealed on his show Monday night that he and his team were behind the video,with 9.3 million views, was all a joke. Starring stuntwoman Daphne Avalon, Jimmy reveals it was fake. He literally pranked the world! Watch the footage below.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013
"White Girl Twerk Fail" a HOAX
Last Friday a video went viral "White Girl Twerk Fail", where the girl twerking alone in her apartment sets herself on fire? I had watch the video so much that I created my own assumption how her leg caught on fire. Well it was all a hoax! Jimmy Kimmel revealed on his show Monday night that he and his team were behind the video,with 9.3 million views, was all a joke. Starring stuntwoman Daphne Avalon, Jimmy reveals it was fake. He literally pranked the world! Watch the footage below.