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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Webbie Concert Turns Into a Brawl

Webbie seemingly starts a fight amongst concert goers in Odessa,TX. The club owner of the venue is not please at all.

TMZ reports;
Webbie's concert in Odessa, TX had to be shut down after the rapper's fans went nuts and started attacking each other with bar stools ... and TMZ has the INSANE video.
Odessa police tell us Webbie was well into his set at Club 20/20 when a fight between fans turned into a violent free-for-all ... with some people using metal stools as weapons.
Police eventually broke up the brawl and cleared the room. We're told at least 5 people were arrested -- some for drugs and alcohol. Unclear exactly how many were injured, but you can see people laid out cold in the video.  
The 20/20 manager tells TMZ ... he doesn't like that kind of "ghetto stuff" at his club ... so he's banning any future rap and hip hop shows at the venue.

Watch the footage of the fight below.