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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

#ClickPlay: Italiano - Tevin Blackwell ft. K.Sam & Block

Tevin Blackwell releases new music for fans, Italiano, featuring K Sam and Block. At the momentTevin is gearing up to release the visuals for his single Clean My Soul, but to hold fans over he releases a new track slightly different from the last two singles.

When asked the concept about the song Tevin says;

It's me really trying out different sounds.  Italiano just happened to sound cool to me.  It is just the concept of a person who's going to be there for you.   It's about a friend who does whatever you ask of them and just wants to be a part of a winning team.

I'm liking this sound. Are you? Stream the track below. Leave your thoughts and feedback. Do you have an Italiano on your team?