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The Gossip and Hip Hop Blog of Alexandria Louisiana. 

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Top 5 Ratchet Moments of Love and Hip Hop New York

Let the ratchetness of the Love & Hip Hop: NYC begin. VH1 has finally brought life back to Monday nights with the season premiere of Love & Hip Hop: NYC. We do have a few new faces Tara, the baby mama and so-called soulmate of Pete Gunz,. Since Pete Gunz is a music executive he manages Amina, formerly of the group Buddafly. I spy a Mimi, Joseline, and Stevie J love triangle. Tahiry and Joe are rekindling their "matured" romance. Finally, Yandy is trying to pick up the pieces of her family life with  her fiance, Mendeecees, possibly facing 20-years in prison.

This was my favorite retweet from last night

Check out my top ratchet moments and  watch the episode below. What were your favorite moments.

5. Peter Gunz needs house slippers because the bottom of those feet were dusty
4. Don't Underestimate A 7-year-old's Intelligence becasue Little Mendeecees new his father was in jail
3. Joe Budden is desperate to get Tahiry Pregnant
2. Yandy and Rich Quarterz have start a label
1. Amina is obviously delusional with the "Mrs. Pankey" tat and she is not even wifey.

Watch the episode below